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i found a pen!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Where are you now?

Nearly a lifetime has passed
since our fingers first met,
Blindly searching for some sort of net,
Feeling for feeling, feeling for grip,
Crawling in space, blindly they hit,
Duelling for life, our fingers were bound,
My mind awakened, shocked from the ground,
I can't thank you enough, you transformed my strife,
Word by word into the most beautiful life,
No reason to frown, no reason to mourn,
For out of our hands, a universe was born,
A world for the weary,
Your glove of sanctuary,
We had good times, we paid no fines,
Yet, despite the quiet, despite the wit,
The glove was always too small to sit,
If only it stretched, it would snuggly fit,
If only we met where no one bit.

Maybe I dug too deep,
creating a path too steep,
blackening my fingers with the tar of your sleep,

Darkened were my hands, they were harder to see,
Out of control, they were looking for thee,
Day by day they crawl away,
A part of me begs them, pleads them to stay,
I don't know enough to finish this poem,
My solitary hand, at a loss while you roam,
Too much to say, much less is known,
What can I say when nothing is shown?

You have more wisdom, you feared to linger,
Wasn't so easy, I was wrapped around your finger,
Twas a moment of eternity not long enough,
So soon it ended, too soon it's rough,
Will a handshake ever do?
Do you fear it may be true?
Where are you now?
Where are we now?
Tell me how?
I sit and wait, hoping for your call,
But I fear deep inside
the day may never


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