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i found a pen!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I once had something... a basket that I filled with goods..(like a good economist)... At first, things looked promising, I had all kinds of widgets in it.. wonderful things. I treasured each item, understood it, and placed it neatly in my basket... One day, I had a terrible thought.. a self defeating thought.. I convinced myself that this basket was hopelessly finite. Soon, I started to limit what I placed in the basket.. and eventually.. my standards went so high that I picked nothing.... the less I picked, the more the basket shrunk.. the more darkness cascaded over light.. This evening.. as I was indulging in my usual nothingness.. I saw something that changed everything.. lately i've been posting my own 95 thesis.. this is the 95th, as im sure everyone (my two readers) is sick of hearing about it.. i hope i'm not being naive this time.. stupid ScanDisk is taking forever. I shall be reaquainting myself with an old friend for the next little while.. Harrr, I think that binding glue did the trick..


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