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i found a pen!

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Wawie, I think what's happening to you is natural.. You see.. long long looong ago in the mountains of Yemen there once lived a tribe of unrully vampires...lazy ones.. but vampires nonetheless.. They called themselves the Khoornifashoon.. Initially they feasted on the blood of caterpillars, baboons, and the ocassionaly albino sheep (mostly for dessert).. but one day.. one fateful day.. they humanized their tastes!!.. I am getting ahead of myself here though.. that's for later.. to truly understand you must start from that place they call.. the beginning.

We must look a few generations back.. swooosh..... swoosh.. swaash...

Ahem .. Part A of our ancestry:

It was a hot and unbearably humid day (3rd of Sha'ban 1222 Hj.) in the magnificently terraced mountains of Yemen. Wet blobs of heat permeated a sleepy... well... very sleepy (with a genetic predisposition to sleep)... mud village in Hadhrammawt (Southern Yemen). As my father says, "It was a scorcher!".

Each additional degree of the rising sun, exponentially increased the degree of degrees. Iqbal and Mustafa, the local scrawny mountain roosters, simply could not cope. They were cooked to a delicious crisp, and unable to cuckoo the tiny mud village awake. As the feathered unfortunates roasted in their vaporizing juices, so too did three of the villages most corpulent Sheikhs. Sheikh Bin-Daheer, Sheikh Yahya and Sheikh Binbrek, the more bulbous of the three.

Oblivious to the harassing heat, these three men continued their descent deep into the comatose, omega phase, of hibernation. Waterfalls of sweat gushed from their jungly body pits, in harmony with the warm gaseous emissions emanating from their various orifices. Hour after hour they continued to sleep, until finally they were forced to surface. It was a rude but welcome awakening, as they were drowning in a cesspool of their own sweat. All three men paddled off their beds, reached for their jambias (daggers), and headed to the local qat (a leafy narcotic chewed by most Yemenis) market.

Anyways... I'm getting sleepy now, so the next part will have to come from our highly esteemed cousin, The Looney Man!! Take it away cuz..


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