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i found a pen!

Monday, January 26, 2004

somewhere in my mind..somewhere in the muck... a mirage of mirrors are shattered.. a multitude of miniscule candles smoking their last breath.. no more breathing... air slowing.. settling.. resting on my shoulders.. My feet.. no longer a blur... firmly feeling terra firma... Yes, it has been done.. it had to be done... following the path of failure to freedom.

somewhere in the muck.. finally free...free from shepherding shadows.........standing alone.........opening my eyes.. I see but my own shadow standing with me.. defying the light, it grows longer.. but soon loses faith... crawls back, behind, and vanishes beneath me.... Inviting more and more illumination.. seeing more and more.. finally seeing. Everything is gone. The way is clear.

somewhere in my mind a new path is possible.


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