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i found a pen!

Friday, August 02, 2002

.. sometimes more is told by what is not said.. by speaking vaguely.. tiptoeing on ambiguity.. one can deal with difficult issues... sometimes its the only path to resolution.. a sharp sword of bluntness can seal more than it cuts.. to see sunlight u don't need to look directly at the sun... ankle braces look tiny at first.. but after u struggle for a few seconds.. the impossible appears possible leaving u with a nice snug fit.. currently i am non compos mentis.. spiralling down a hole i dug myself.. some people need darkness to wake up..

Monday, July 29, 2002

cold inside, hot outside.. such is life with old people.. slipping away into a dark void can be quite exciting..if only it weren't sooo subfusc. I seriously need.. something. Physically I'm held back (stupid ankle!) mentally im stuck.. maybe I need clearance for take off? Enough of that.. as encore says, "I'm walking in the sky, heaven's holding hands with me... I'm happy just to be".. I'd rather fly through the sky.. walking.. hmm only good for when i'm in a reflective mood.. often that's more of a melancholic melee than a liberating "aha", unless i take off the gloves .. It's such an odd time of the day.. I'm not getting enough sleep.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

.. not thinking might answer much of our thinking.. its pretty difficult to sit for two seconds without thinking of one thing or another.. or for that matter exclusively picturing blueberries on swings... there's so much junk floating around in our minds.. so much background static, or synaptic slush as i call it.. if one were to block out the chaotic contiguity of thoughts then a simple truth may be found..and maybe that is the human curse, that we are able to have all these silly thoughts bouncing around in our heads at the same time.. sure as heck confuses me sometimes.. now i've lost my train of thought.. oh i'll shut up now..

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