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i found a pen!

Saturday, July 27, 2002

Ugh.. once again, logical thinking lost the battle.... efficiency and rationale brutally squashed by slow narrow minded bufoolishness..... is time the culprit?? Slowly chipping away at a reasonable mind.. twisting it ever so slowly until it becomes a defensive wet ball of black and white stone writing.. shutting all doors and windows.. condemning itself to a solitary voice.. at least until it receives visitors from "senilia".. well maybe not all is lost.. maybe one must attack with mercenary foces disguised as objective voices of reason.. or maybe there is, in fact, wisdom in a dark room.

Friday, July 26, 2002

Happy Bday Mase!! Have fun with the foggies!!..p.s. Bumbaclat Jones is waitin for ya with some tabakee

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

can't sleep.. hungry.. bored out of my mind.. why can't i have some exciting hallucinations?
Elle, i hope this doesnt give u another migraine..
Well, that was fun.. anywhoo i have no idea what to type here.. hmmm.. well to those who do not know me.. my real name is not Sylo X... i am a 20 something.. zombie-like oaf residing in the exotic (as Harrr describes it) sometimes smelly, city of kitchener.. Currently, I am perfecting the art of bummishness...any other art requires too much effort. Summer is surrounding me and i can't seem to grab it by the tires.. all i want is to swing around in violent circles.. kind of like the teacup ride at Wonderland.. this blasted soccer injury will, i guess, bring me closer to bummish enlightenment, but its a tough price to pay.. to most it would seem easy to do nothing at all for 3 and a half months.. its tough work.. a constant battle against my conscious.. my brain wants to have nothing to do with being a brain.. but as i was telling hujee earlier today.. my conscious won't allow it.. a part of me won't stand for wasted potential.. yes elle, potential.. back to reality..i can't find any stakes tall enough for my tomato plants.. that has been my biggest dilema these past 2 weeks.. did i forget to mention that i have no real life outside these 4 blue walls? Well not right now at least.. my usual routine includes.. sleep.. eat.. sleep. On odd days i venture outdoors.. usually to pick up stranded friends at DC.. play soccer games with the flatt pack.. or the mario's pizza fleet, run errands for management, or if im feeling crazy i just wander the mean streets of kbubble-u.. the other day i stopped by chapters for a quick perusal.. i didnt do any perusing though.. i felt like there was a block of air sticking to my back urging me to get out of there..so i dropped some book on wild orchids and hopped along over to Md's for an oreo mcflurry instead.. ended up buying some highly corrosive wood eating fluids @ canadian tire..and yes.. drove Shaq home from DC.. well i dont know about u, but i think this is enough of a rambling monologue for the night..

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