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i found a pen!

Saturday, February 01, 2003

I'm going to see what awaits.. I shall be late..or early depending on the zone. Hopefully I will have a tale to tell.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

is it normal to pee 3 times/hour?
......the sidewalk knows my face as i know its grace, on our morning walks together, nothing is spoken, nothing is hidden, that which is hidden need not be seen .. my sane companion as long as i can see.. you are very good to me.. keeping me occupied with your imperfect lengths and all your capricious cracks of character, oh i know u aren't that random! For years I have tried to keep you in step with my own.. ever so sneakily you inch away, the unwelcome fly in my cobweb of perfection..hah i dont think i will ever bring a balanced beat.


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