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i found a pen!

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

i dont know why im typing, i shouldnt be..

just had an odd phone interview.. and now i dont know why im still awake.. wrapped in my blanket.. when i was younger.. much younger.. i used to occasionally use my blanket as a cloak.. and move ever so swiftly in the halls and corridors of our old bungalow.. seeking out human bodies.. when i found some.. i would drop to the ground and cover my whole body with the blanket.. then i would lie still.. i would lie very still .. and remain that way for quite some time.. hoping that the people nearby would forget my presense.. and i would be able to sort of slip away.. i wanted to become an inanimate object.. a piece of furniture.. to be seen and not seen.. it never worked.. and i dont know if i ever really wanted it to..

Sunday, November 17, 2002

.. went for one of those 3am drives.. life was getting too exciting in this padded prison cell. It's always nice to drive late at night.. especially when you have no place to go.. the later the better.. you can drive slowly.. crawl up roads you normally zoom by.. and observe all the things that normally get blended into the background. At first.. I puttered around the old neighbourhoods..hoping to spot some friendly animals.....one day i will catch the NH racoon ... .. without taxi cabs Kitchener could easily be mistaken for a ghost town after 3am..... approached Queen St. then slowly proceeded downtown.. in search of human life. I was not disappointed.. 3 white limos parrallel parked.. crowds of hooded hooligans, waving.... hmmm then further down .. a young male being arrested.. with a look of fear on his face.. probably peed his pants.. decided to do a U-turn after a few blocks and head back.. 3 limos were no more.. 5 cop cars in their place.. hooded hooligans now eating pizza.. Headed north after this.. a few stragglers between clumps of student bodies.. all looking for taxis... Could have made a lot of money if I had one of those Cab signs... ended the night on a dark country road.. couldnt enjoy it though.. some weirdo kept tailgating me.. now im further into the quarter of my quarter tank.. soon that fuel light will burn out.. i think the only therapy i can enjoy right now is the cold winter air that surrounds us.

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